not working
European standards, quality education
1. A combination of Armenian and European educational programs in line with international standards.
2. Introducing the latest educational technology.
3. Advanced English teaching
Accounting - 3 years
Management - 3 years
Programming - 4 years
Server - 4 years
Tourism - 4 years
Translation - 4 years
The best college graduates can continue to the European University without entrance exams. The best students are given the opportunity to study internships at a number of colleges in Europe
After this college, good students can easily achieve great success in their lives. You can also be in this group;)
1.1.1. European College in Armenia Foundation (hereinafter referred to as College) is a nonprofit vocational education institution, established by the Foundation in 2006. According to the decision of February 20, according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter the Code), the Republic of Armenia Law on Foundations (hereinafter the Law) and other legal acts...
1.1.1. European College in Armenia Foundation (hereinafter referred to as College) is a nonprofit vocational education institution, established by the Foundation in 2006. According to the decision of February 20, according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter the Code), the Republic of Armenia Law on Foundations (hereinafter the Law) and other legal acts...
1.1.2.The name of the college is:
1.1.3.The college's location (postal address) is:
375045, RA. 10, David Anhaght Str.
1.1.4.The founder of the college is:
'EUROPEAN REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY' Foundation (registration number: 278.160.03103, certificate: 03A 052123, registration date: 17.10.2001, address: 375045, Yerevan, 10 David Anhaght str., Rector: H. Bisharyan).
1.2. Potential beneficiaries of the college are citizens who wish to obtain secondary vocational education.
1.3. The Foundation is not responsible for the obligations of the College it has created. The College is not responsible for the obligations of its founder.
1.4. A college may only engage in business if it serves the purposes for which the college was created and meets those objectives.
1.5. The College may personally engage in business activities in the manner prescribed by law. The College is required to publish a report on its activities within the 6 months following the end of each year.
1.5.1. The College is a legal entity and shall be considered established from the moment of state registration in the manner prescribed by law. The College has the right to open bank accounts in the banks of the Republic of Armenia and foreign countries in the currency and / or in foreign currency of the Republic of Armenia, as prescribed by law. The College has round seals, stamps and forms with Armenian and English records in its name, and may also have trademarks, trademarks, and other personalities and other requisites registered by law.
1.5.2. The College independently determines the strategic plans of its activity.
1.5.3. The College, as a property, has separate property and is responsible for its obligations with that property, may conclude contracts on its behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, appear in court as a plaintiff or defendant.
1.5.4. The College, in accordance with its charter, with the right of the owner, manages, uses and disposes of its property.
1.5.5. The College may establish branches and representations in and outside the Republic of Armenia, as well as institutions acting on behalf of the College in accordance with the regulations approved by the College Board of Trustees.
1.5.6.The College is responsible for its obligations with the property on which the law may impose confiscation.
1.5.7. The Republic of Armenia and the Communities are not responsible for the College's obligations. The College is not responsible for the obligations of the Republic of Armenia and the Communities.
1.5.8. The rights of the College may be restricted only as provided by law and as provided by law. The College has the right to self-defense of its civil rights in all ways not prohibited by law.
2.1.1. The main goals and objectives of the college are:
a) Introduce a European education system in the Republic of Armenia, using the advanced experience of the educational systems in European developed countries, modern innovative programs and European standards;
b) training of junior specialists in accordance with state educational standards for different spheres of public life, the comprehensive formation of a person and citizen educated in the spirit of national and universal values;
c) satisfying one's professional education, spiritual and physical needs;
d) Implementation of pre-vocational (vocational), general (secondary and secondary) vocational programs.
2.2 In order to ensure the effective achievement of its goals, the College may carry out the following types of business activities:
a) the organization of pre-primary, secondary, pre-vocational, vocational and secondary education:
b) organization of preparatory courses;
c) organization of vocational training courses;
d) staff training and re-qualification;
e) carrying out research activities;
f) provision of educational, production and service activities;
g) publishing activities;
h) organizing students' public meals;
i) organizing and servicing students' living quarters;
j) organizing leisure for students and employees;
k) carrying out cultural activities.
2.3.1. The College can arrange for professional exchanges, lectures and student trips to the appropriate overseas colleges to receive advanced qualifications.
2.3.2. During its activity the College has the right to add new professional departments or reduce existing ones, as well as make other structural changes at its discretion.
2.3.3. The college may engage in certain types of activities as provided for by law only if it is licensed, upon receipt of the license, or within the period specified therein. Unless licensed, the College may engage in activities other than licensing, or restrictions on certain types of activity, the College may not engage in activities other than those contemplated by the license or activities specified in the License in:
3.1. College admission is made in accordance with the admission rules approved by him and the Ministry of Education and Science for the given academic year.
3.2. The college process is organized in two semesters. Students are certified at the end of each semester. Intermediate attestation forms may also be used in college.
3.3. College activities are regulated by curricula, syllabuses, timetables, and timetables. The college develops its curricula and curricula and submits them to the Director for approval.
3.4.College teaching can be organized in existing, distance and online forms.
3.5. The College creates the necessary learning conditions for students by choosing advanced teaching methods, methods and resources for the most effective development of educational programs. Production practices for college students and audiences are typically conducted in enterprises and manufacturing organizations on the basis of contracts between them and the institution.
3.6. The classes in the college are conducted in groups, subgroups, streams, individually, in the following basic forms: lesson, lecture, seminar, practical work, laboratory work, test work, individual work, self-employment, consulting, internship, course design, course work, diploma , diploma thesis. The College may use other forms of teaching: excursions, role-playing lessons, conferences, homework, internships, etc.
3.7. The Supplemental College Education Program is implemented in accordance with the Supplemental College Education Regulation approved by the College.
3.8. The duration of all classroom lessons is set by the college.
3.9. The college can carry out targeted research and pedagogy in accordance with the established procedure, organize preparatory, specialist training and qualification courses.
3.10.The College carries out its activities in close cooperation with relevant higher education institutions, research, commercial and non-profit organizations, regularly organizing conferences, conferences, seminars, workshops, Olympiads and more.
3.11. The College takes measures to improve student and student self-care, health, preventive health care, sanitation and nutrition.
4.1. The College has the right to:
1) to provide material and legal assistance to natural and legal persons in the manner prescribed by law;
2) to freely disseminate information about its activities;
3) establish media and mass media;
4) make amendments to the Charter in accordance with the procedure established by law and this Charter;
5) receive information from the state and local self-government bodies required by law to fulfill its statutory purposes;
6) create separate subdivisions (branches, representative offices) and institutions;
7) To have infrastructures with the status of structural subdivision in Yerevan and RA regions.
8) creating or joining economic companies;
9) Sign contracts with individuals and legal entities:
10) Sign contracts with individuals and legal entities:
11) perform other activities not prohibited by law.
4.2. The College may, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Armenia, become affiliated with international and foreign non-governmental organizations.
4.3. The College is required to:
1) act in accordance with the Constitution, law and other laws and regulations of the Republic of Armenia, as well as this Charter;
2) Maintain records and accounting in the manner prescribed by law;
3) Submit information and reports to state authorities in cases and in the manner provided by law;
4) perform other duties provided for by law and other laws.
4.4. At the request of the persons referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 8.5 of this Statute, the College shall provide them with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the amendments and modifications to the Charter within five days. The College shall upon request of such persons furnish him with a copy of the Charter. The fee charged for providing a copy of the charter may not be greater than the cost of preparing it. The documents referred to the competent state authorities shall be provided free of charge.
4.5. The College and its officials shall be held liable by law for engaging in unlawful activity.
4.6. Persons assisting the college (including the founder of the college) have the right:
a) participate in all aspects of the College's activities;
b) To receive advisory, expert, mediation, scientific-technical and other assistance in accordance with the College's objectives and objectives, as specified by the College Governing Bodies and under the terms and conditions of the contracts concluded;
c) Establish and develop bilateral and multilateral relations through the College;
d) To safeguard the College's interests, within its rights, legal and economic opportunities;
e) Terminate their participation in College activities at any time.
4.7. The College maintains a register of persons supporting its activities.
4.8. College supporters must:
a) Act strictly in accordance with the requirements of the College Charter when implementing College programs and activities;
b) not to disclose confidential information about the College's activities;
c) Avoid any actions that may cause harm to the College.
5.1. The governing bodies of the College are:
College Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as the Board),
Director of the College (hereinafter referred to as the Director).
5.2. The college's highest management and oversight body is the College Board. The College Board is composed of 6 members and is currently formed by the Founder. Subsequently, changes in the composition of the Board shall be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.
Able-bodied individuals over the age of 18 may be members of the College Board.
The term of office of the Board members is not limited.
The authority of a member of the Board shall cease;
1) based on his written application;
2) if he / she fails to perform his / her duties properly, the votes of the remaining members of the Board by at least 3/4; Board members may not be members of any other College body.
5.3. The College Board is responsible for:
1) Approval of College Strategic Plan (s):
2) Approval of College Budget and its Changes, Annual Financial Statements and Annual Activity Reports.
3) Approval of College Property Management Procedure:
4) Decision on College Reorganization:
5) Election of new members of the College Board of Trustees and decision on termination of the term of office of the Board of Trustees of the College
6) making decisions on the election of the President of the Board of Trustees, the Director of the College, and other bodies designated by the Charter and the early termination of their powers;
7) Formation of other bodies provided for by the College:
8) Making decisions on changes and additions to the Charter of the College, as well as approval of the Charter in the new edition;
9) making decisions on the establishment or participation of economic companies, as well as on the establishment of separate subdivisions and institutions and the approval of their statutes;
10) Supervision of the College's financial and economic activities.
11) Hearing the reports of the College Principal at regular intervals;
12) overseeing the implementation of its decisions;
13) Selection of the College Auditor (Auditor):
14) Making decisions about the remuneration of those involved in college governance;
15) Քոլեջի հաստիքացուցակի և կառուցվածքի հաստատումը,
16) Implementation of other powers not provided for by law, this statute, as well as any other authority of the College.
At College Board Meetings, each Board member has one vote.
The College Board meeting is authorized if more than half of the Board members are present. The decisions of the College Board shall be adopted by a majority of the members present at the meeting.
The decisions of the College Board President, the election and dismissal of the College Director, as well as the College's reorganization, dissolution, and dissolution (approval of the new version of the Charter) shall be adopted by a majority vote of the total number of Board members.
If the College Board meeting discusses any property or other interests of any College Board member or affiliated person (parent, spouse, child, brother, sister, spouse, child, sibling), then the College Board member shall not vote:
5.4. The President of the College Board is elected by the Board members in accordance with the law and this Charter.
5.5. The Chairman of the Board:
1) organizes the work of the College Board;
2) convenes and chairs the College Board meetings;/p>
3) arranges the minutes of the sessions.
5.6. In the absence of the President of the College Board, one of its members shall, by the decision of the College Board, perform its duties.
5.7. College Board meetings are convened at least once a year by the College Board President. College Board meetings may also be convened at the request of one-third of the College Board members by the College Board Chair within 30 days of making the request. College Board meetings may be conducted by email or other means of communication.
If the President of the College Board does not convene a meeting within the specified time, such request may be convened by the person who so requests.
5.8. The college's day-to-day operations are managed by the College Director.
5.9. The College Director is responsible for all matters pertaining to the management of the College's current operations, with the exception of the matters that are within the competence of the College Board under this Law and this Charter.
The College Director organizes the implementation of the decisions of the College Board.
The Principal is accepted and dismissed by the College Board. The founder can also be appointed for the first time as a director.
The rights and obligations of the College Principal are set forth in the Law, this Charter, and the contract concluded with it. The contract is signed on behalf of the College by the President of the College Board or by another person authorized by the College.
5.10. College Director
1) manages the College's property, including financial assets, and makes transactions on behalf of the College;
2) represents the College in the Republic of Armenia and in foreign countries;
3) operates without a power of attorney.
4) gives power of attorney;
5) concludes contracts in accordance with the established procedure, including labor contracts;
6) Opens college accounts (including foreign currency) in banks, etc.
7) Submits to the College Board for approval the College's internal rules of procedure, the administrative structure of the College, the subdivisions, institutions, and the staff list;
8) Issues orders, instructions within its jurisdiction, gives mandatory instructions for execution and supervises their execution;
9) hires and dismisses College staff in the prescribed manner;
10) apply incentives and disciplinary action against employees.
5.11. The College Director may not hold any other position or perform any paid work other than scientific, pedagogical and creative work.
5.12. The College Board shall have the right to terminate the contract with the Principal at any time in accordance with the Law, this Charter and this Agreement.
5.13. The College's pedagogical activities are organized by the Pedagogical Board, the composition of which is approved by the Chairman of the Board.
5.14. Maintains and submits accounting and statistical reports in the manner prescribed by the College Law and other legal acts.
5.15. The College is responsible for maintaining documents (management, financial, economic, staff, etc.) for the purposes of state, social, economic and tax policy. Ensures submission of necessary documents to state archive bodies in the manner prescribed by the college law.
6.1. College staff members have the right to:
a) participate in the management of the college in the manner prescribed by law and this Charter;
b) to select and use the teaching and learning methods, textbooks and materials necessary for securing the educational process and the knowledge assessment methods (pedagogical staff);
c) make use of the college's information funds, educational, scientific, social, domestic, medical and other services, technical facilities, as prescribed;
d) Appeal the decisions of the college governing bodies in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
e) other rights provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, the employment contract and the Statute of the College.
6.2. A college employee is required to:
a) comply with the requirements of the College Charter and comply with the rules of internal discipline;
b) to perform his / her duties in good faith;
c) to ensure the proper professional level of its activities.
6.3.Appointments to vacant pedagogical positions (also subject specialists) of the College may be made through competitive bidding.
6.4. College educators and other staff are regularly trained to improve their professional knowledge and skills.
The Director is responsible for the professional development of pedagogues and other staff.
7.1. A college student is a person completing secondary vocational and additional education programs.
7.2. The College Attendant is a person on the order of the Principal admitted to the Preparatory Courses, Professional Development and Training. The student enjoys the right of the student to receive educational services.
7.3. The rights and responsibilities of a college student are set forth in the College Charter, the Rules of Internal Discipline.
7.4. A college student has the right to:
a) To participate in the creation of student self-governing bodies, groups, clubs and their work;
b) free access to the college library, technical facilities and other facilities;
c) participate in the research and design of the college;
d) participate in the discussion and resolution of the most important issues of the college.
7.5. A college student is required to:
a) comply with the requirements of the College Charter and comply with the rules of internal discipline;
b) treat college property with care;
c) Respect the rights and dignity of employees and students;
d) pay the tuition fee as prescribed;
e) meet the requirements of secondary vocational and additional college education programs.
7.6. College students are provided with forms of material and moral encouragement.
7.7. Disciplinary measures, including removal from the College, may be imposed on students for failing to comply with the requirements of the Curriculum and Curriculum, the obligations set forth in this Charter, and internal disciplinary rules.
8.1. The College, as a property, has separate property and is responsible for its obligations with that property.
8.2. The founders invested 50,000 (fifty thousand) drams as the original property at the time of the establishment of the college.
8.3.The property given to the College by the Founder is the property of the College. The College uses that property for the purposes of its statute.
8.4.Contributions (donations, donations, etc.) from the College Founder and other natural and legal persons, as well as to Armenians from the Diaspora, can be made both in monetary and proprietary terms (including equipment, buildings, buildings, intellectual property rights) and in property. in the form of a right of use. In this case, a monetary valuation of the invested property or right of use shall be made, the amount of which shall be stated in the contract between the person (investor) and the College.
8.5.The source of college property and assets can be:
a) Founder's investments;
b) donations and donations of individuals and legal entities, as well as Diaspora Armenians, including donations and donations of foreign nationals, legal entities, international organizations;
c) monetary receipts from the state budget;
d) grants;
e) funds received from the business of the College and the business entities created by or with its participation;
f) donations - funds raised from activities aimed at raising them (raising funds through cultural, sports, entertainment and other events);
g) other means not prohibited by law.
8.6. College property is the property created, acquired, or transferred by other citizens, organizations, including funds, shares, other securities, and intellectual property rights.
8.7. All of the College's property, income from economic activity is his or her own and may not be assigned to the College's founder. The College manages, uses and disposes of its property only in accordance with the purpose of such property and solely for the purposes of the College's statutory purposes and purposes.
8.8. State budget funds may be used to support the College's activities solely on a competitive basis and only if the College's program of activities is qualified to meet public or administrative expenses.
8.9. College property may not be used for the benefit of its founders, members of the College Board, as well as the expenses of the College staff other than the salaries and expenses of the College Board members subject to reimbursement. Donations to the College for certain purposes by legal or natural persons may be used for other purposes only with the consent of the donor. Funds raised may only be used for the purpose previously announced.
8.10. College costs are:
a) Expenditures for the accomplishment of statutory purposes;
b) administrative costs.
8.11. Expenditure on statutory purposes in the College budget shall be expressed separately by purpose (s) and methods of use and / or entities among which the funds are to be distributed. These expenses also include expenses for the maintenance, upgrading and renovation of the College's property, as well as communication, utilities, electricity, and construction costs.
8.12.Administration costs include reimbursement of college management, salaries of College staff, and members of the College's staff, accounting for 20 percent of the College's total annual expenses.
9.1. The College as a foundation can be reorganized only through the merger and merger of the foundation.
9.2. A merger of foundations is the creation of a new fund by transferring the rights and obligations of two or more mergers and termination of the mergers.
9.3. A merger of foundations is the termination of the activity of one or more foundations by transferring their rights and responsibilities to another fund.
9.4. The reorganization of the Fund is carried out by the decision of the Board of Trustees.
9.5. No other fund reorganizations are allowed.
9.6. The dissolution is the termination of the Fund's activities without passing on to other persons the legal succession of its rights and responsibilities.
9.7. The decision to dissolve the foundation can only be made by the court at the request of the interested parties.
9.8. The foundation may be liquidated if:
a) The fund of the Fund is not sufficient for its activities and the possibility of obtaining the necessary property is not real;
b) by its activities the Fund has deviated from the objectives set forth in the Charter;
c) it is not possible to achieve the objectives of the Fund and it is not possible to modify those objectives;
d) The activities of the Foundation endanger state and public security, public order, public health and morals, the rights and freedoms of others;
e) the Foundation has committed multiple or gross violations of the law or has regularly performed activities contrary to its statutory objectives;
f) In establishing the foundation, the founder has committed significant violations or violations of the law.
9.9. The dissolution of the Fund shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.
9.10. After satisfying the requirements of the owners due to the liquidation of the Fund, as well as when the remaining assets of the Fund at the time of approval of the interim liquidation balance sheet are directed to the purposes provided for by this Charter, and if not possible, it is transferred to the state budget.
9.11. The dissolution of the Fund shall be considered completed and terminated from the moment of state registration.
I'm Khachatryan Vahe, 16, a sophomore. I was born on December 23. I wholeheartedly love programming and want to become a programmer. I go to Tumo. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite season is winter. I created this site specifically for you;)
I'm Yervant Amseyan, 17, a sophomore. I was born on January 13th. I wholeheartedly love programming and try to learn it. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite season is winter. I have translated this site specifically for you;)
I'm Musayelyan Mane, 16, sophomore programming. I was born on June 3. I wholeheartedly love programming and want to become a programmer. I go to Tumo. My favorite season is summer. I have translated this site specifically for you;)
I'm Alloyan Allan, 16, a sophomore. I was born on February 12. I wholeheartedly love programming and want to become a programmer. I go to Tumo. My favorite season is winter. I have translated this site specifically for you;)